Tag: Service Workers
Now THAT’S What I Call Service Worker! – A List Apart
PermalinkThe 95th percentile of RUM data is a great place to assess the slowest experiences. In this case, we see that the streaming Service Worker confers a 40% and 51% improvement in FCP and LCP, respectively, over no Service Worker at all. Compared to the “standard” Service Worker, we see a reduction in FCP and LCP by 19% and 43%, respectively.
Using CSP Nonces effectively with service worker - Tales of a Developer Advocate by Paul Kinlan
PermalinkPaul shares how he was able to get his CSP working with nonce values and service workers.
Implementing 'Save For Offline' with Service Workers
PermalinkUna recently added a “Save Offline” button to her blog posts that gives users control over whether an article will be saved offline or not. There was some recent discussion prompted by Nicholas Hoizey about how much data is too much to save offline. Giving users control (whether on an individual post basis or in bulk) seems like one way to deal with that question.